To sum me up in an “about me” section is nearly impossible, but here are a few things that you need to know! I am very goofy, fun-loving, and tattoo-covered (which may be the understatement of the century😎). I conduct my business in the most professional way possible without transforming into a robot, which is why I do not wear dress attire to my sessions. I want to be as comfy as possible for all of the best, yet awkward positions, that I will get in, to get that perfect shot for my client! I have come to find that the less formal we are, the more natural it feels for my clients (Casual means comfy, not sloppy😊). Photography is my passion and family is my refuge. Combine the two and that is where I am most at peace. I am the mother to four beautiful children that keep me on my toes, and a wife to the most incredible human I have met in this lifetime. I’m a total nerd! If you want to talk video games, anime, or film, we HAVE to sit down for an in-home virtual coffee and Skype call(and make sure it's a long meeting because I LOVE to talk)! I am also music CRAZY, which fits well with artistry. Country, Reggaeton, Mariachi, and Techno is all I listen to...just kidding..the list goes on and on! Sharing Memories of my family and tiny humans is where it all started. I love being able to give the gift of capturing life's most precious moments. You’ve probably heard the saying, “pictures are worth a thousand words(Says every photographer EVER😅).” Well, it’s true, because photographs tell such personal stories. The power of being an artist with a camera is to capture and tell a story that is different from anyone else's point of view. Every individual, couple, and family has not just a story...but a LEGACY. My goal is to portray that story and to allow others to feel what the subject(s) is feeling. I want you to have an amazing experience, and to look back at your photos and FEEL that moment as if you were still present within it! For as long as I can remember, I have always gravitated towards a role in supporting others. And what better way to be in a support role than to help someone celebrate the most important moments of their life. I want you to become more than just a client booking a photographer. I want to make lifelong friends with not just you, but your most precious memories. Let me explain...I compare memories to friendship. Life is not about having a thousand memories stored away for safekeeping. It's about finding the few that are the most valuable to you and your loved ones. These are the moments that are the most intimate and dear to your heart. These are the moments that you will look back on for the rest of your lives, and just as you will, so will I. So don't be a stranger! Let's chat about your visions, home life, relationships, kids, struggles(because we've all been there) and make an incredible memory for the albums! 🤟

Follow along on instagram @andrealopezphotookc